Can I Get a Fresh Perspective on the Bible? With Kristi McLelland [Episode 315]

Fresh Perspective Bible Kristi McLelland

We often approach the Bible like an instruction manual for living our lives, reading it primarily with ourselves in mind and viewing it through the lens of our current culture. But what if we read Scripture differently—through the Middle Eastern lens in which the Bible was originally written and understood?

Well, today’s guest, professor and biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland, highlights the importance of the historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts of Scripture. She’ll explain how the Bible is a timeless, transformational story with one cohesive storyline, helping you make sense of what you’re reading.

Can I Rest in God’s Goodness When My Story Shifts? With Sarah Frazer [Episode 311]

Rest God's Goodness Story Shifts Sarah Frazer

This wasn’t part of the plan. My story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this.

If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are your story has shifted in some unexpected way. Well, you aren’t alone, my friend, and rest assured that God is with you as you go down this new path.

Today, author Sarah Frazer will take you through the unexpected plot twists in the story of Moses to help you see that even when your life seems completely derailed, God’s plan still goes forth, His presence always provides, and His purpose prevails. And you can trust that God’s sovereignty is always connected to His goodness.

Talking Story With Karen Kingsbury [BONUS]

Talking Story Karen Kingsbury Someone Like You

Today I’m “talking story” with the one and only Karen Kingsbury!

“Talking story” is a phrase I learned in Hawaii, and it’s when you have a casual conversation with someone. You know—hang out, shoot the breeze, and just tell stories.

Well, since Karen is one of the best storytellers I know who also happens to be a #1 New York Times best-selling author, I thought there’s no better person to “talk story” … about story!

Can I Trust God’s Timing? With Laurie Polich Short [Episode 270]

Trust God's Timing Laurie Polich Short

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Faith, Doubt, and God’s Mysterious Timing by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Sometimes God‘s timing just does not make sense to us. When hard situations last way too long and our deepest prayers seem to go unanswered, we often wonder, “What is God doing?”

But thankfully, the Bible is full of people who have experienced the same thing. They had to learn to trust God‘s ways and His timing, and their stories can help us trust God too.

How to Escape a Boring Life and Live a Better Story

In case you missed it, I’m officially a GiGi! I am just beside myself with joy, and I have no time to write because I am holding a sweet baby boy. So I asked my smart, fun, lovely friend Margaret Feinberg to help me out — she’s going to share with you on the blog today. She’s hung out with us before, and I know you love her as much as I do. 

But, girl, today, she is going to share with you how to not only live the life you long for, but write about it, too. I have met so many of you who say you want to write a book or a blog and my girl, Margaret, can help you do just that — in the most brilliant way. So, enjoy what she has to say and let me know what you think! 


My husband, Leif, is from Alaska. We spent the first five years of marriage living in his hometown of Sitka as well as the capital, Juneau. In each of these towns, cruise ships arrived throughout the summer.

On the busiest days, more than 20,000 people would disembark those ships and fill the tiny towns. The majority of visitors were in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Many were barely able to walk. Some dragged an oxygen tank behind them.

I found myself welling with admiration for these feisty travelers. They fought hard to realize their lifelong dream of visiting Alaska. Way to be courageous. Way to overcome obstacles.

But the longer we stayed in Alaska, the more I heard these amazing visitors repeat the same story: They had lived their whole lives with a bucket list. Alaska was always in the top five things they wanted to do, but it never reached number one.

By the time they arrived, they physically couldn’t participate in the activities, tours, and hikes that reveal Alaska’s most splendid beauty. They couldn’t hike into the ice caves of Mendenhall glacier to see the mesmerizing sapphires of ancient winters’ beauty. They were unable to kayak along the shore with seals splashing alongside. They couldn’t hike the mountains’ crest to behold Alaska’s rugged coastline while munching on sweet wild salmonberries.

Why do I share that?