Can I Build a Strong and Beautiful Life? With Anh Lin [Episode 299]

Build Strong Beautiful Life Anh Lin

We all long for lasting peace and stability, whether we’re healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply trying to find a quiet path forward in a chaotic world.

So today on the 4:13, author Anh Lin vulnerably shares how she rebuilt her life following the instability and trauma of her early years. With Christ as her new foundation, she assembled a framework for her life anchored in biblical truth—the beginnings of her “forever home.”

Can I Build a Resilient Faith for a Resilient Life? With Jay Hewitt [Episode 295]

Build Resilient Faith Jay Hewitt Ironman

Free download alert! Get your “God’s Grace Is Sufficient for Me” printable in the links below.

After a devastating brain cancer diagnosis, today’s guest, Pastor Jay Hewitt, had a decision to make: Should he give up on his faith or practice what he preached and trust that with God, all things are possible?

Well, if he’s on the 4:13, you know the decision he made! But what he did and how he did it will inspire you and teach you how you can face hard things too.

3 Scriptures to Help You Stand Strong: The Battle is the Lord’s

My hand was on the door handle, ready to open the stall and leave the bathroom. But then I heard familiar voices and stood perfectly still. The Sunday worship service was about to start, and two women from the church were standing at the sink talking about our pastor while washing their hands. They thought they were alone. Their comments about him were small and mean. They took turns criticizing the pastor’s sermon, his tie, and even his hair. I was so angry I could barely breathe.

That pastor? He was my dad.