Can I Become a Biblical Future Thinker? [Episode 332]

Biblical Future Thinker Heaven

Did you know focusing on your future can change your present? Research has shown that thinking about the future can actually improve your mental health. It can reduce worry, increase hope, and refine your sense of purpose.

Well, that’s especially true if we’re talking about your certain future—in Heaven. Because sometimes, focusing on your uncertain future can have the opposite effect.

So today, you’re going to learn how thinking about your certain future, in Paradise, can make a huge difference in how you live today.

Can I Uncover the Purpose of an Unexpected Season? With Nicole Unice [Episode 316]

uncover purpose unexpected season Nicole Unice

Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season where you’re struggling with uncertainty or an unknown future? You have no idea how your story will end and it’s left you feeling scared, confused, and in over your head.

Perhaps you’re even thinking to yourself—and saying to God—“This is not what I signed up for!”

Well, on this episode of the 4:13, counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice will show you it’s possible to remain faithful in those difficult seasons—when things don’t go your way, when God seems far away, and when you feel helpless. Because it’s often in life’s twists and turns and in-between spaces where God is growing something essential in your soul.

Can I Trust God When Life Is Scary? [Episode 303]

trust God life scary summer sizzle

Free download alert! Get your Proverbs 3:5-6 phone lock screen in the links below.

We’re in the middle of our Summer Sizzle here on the 4:13 where we’re featuring your most shared episodes of the podcast. And today, we’re bringing back Episode 48: “Can I Trust God When Life is Scary?”, because we all face hard things and have to deal with life’s uncertainties. And when we’re hurting, our heads can become cloudy and our hearts so heavy that we feel we can’t bear the weight of our next decision.

Can I Face Hard Things Even When It’s Cancer? With Niki Hardy [Episode 231]

Face Hard Things Even Cancer Niki Hardy

When someone gets a cancer diagnosis, they get all sorts of extras right along with it, like fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Well today’s guest, Niki Hardy, had already lost her mom and sister to cancer when she got her own diagnosis of cancer. But she decided early on that she wouldn’t put life on hold because of the dreaded C-word. Instead, she chose to be a thriver, not just a survivor.

Can I Experience the Nearness of God? With Matthew West [Episode 216]

Experience Nearness God Matthew West

Have you ever felt alone after losing a job, a dream, a loved one, or even just your sense of purpose? When we face uncertainty and our sense of security is turned upside down, it’s natural to ask, “God, where are You?”

But today, you’ll be reminded that wherever you are and whatever you’re going through, God is right by your side and nothing can separate you from His love.

Singer-songwriter Matthew West joins me on the podcast, and he’ll assure you that God stays with us through each and every season of our lives. He hears our cries when we feel discouraged, isolated, and completely lost.