Can I Build a Resilient Faith for a Resilient Life? With Jay Hewitt [Episode 295]

Build Resilient Faith Jay Hewitt Ironman

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After a devastating brain cancer diagnosis, today’s guest, Pastor Jay Hewitt, had a decision to make: Should he give up on his faith or practice what he preached and trust that with God, all things are possible?

Well, if he’s on the 4:13, you know the decision he made! But what he did and how he did it will inspire you and teach you how you can face hard things too.

Why Victory Makes You Vulnerable

Sometimes life just wears us out, right? When we have to climb mountains of stress or sorrow, we just get tired. Hard stuff can wear us out and leave us feeling powerless.

But, sometimes our most vulnerable tired comes after we have stood on a mountain of success and seen God’s power.

Have you ever felt that kind of exhausted – the kind of soul-tiredness that shows up on the heels of a race well run?