Jennifer’s Resources for the Blind

Jennifer's Resources Blind

Do you ever get asked about how you put on makeup? Probably not! But as a blind woman who does her own make-up, I get that question all the time—along with a few other questions about how I live my everyday life.

I’ve shared some of these things before from the stage at my Fresh Grounded Faith events and on my podcast when I spilled the beans about blindness.

So, in honor of Blindness Awareness Month (October), I decided to put it all in one place with this list of gadgets and tools that are my must-haves for navigating blindness.

Jennifer's Resources Blind Talking Color Detector

Whether you’re curious about how I do life as a blind woman, or maybe you or someone you know is blind or losing their sight and you’re looking for helpful resources, here are the things that help me do blindness well…

See My Resources for the Blind

If you’re curious about my story and how God has guided me through the darkness, check out my Lessons I Learned in the Dark book and audiobook. It’s not actually a book on blindness, but on learning how to really see.

You’ll also learn all kinds of Scripturally-grounded truths in my Walking by Faith Bible study book that teaches you how to walk by faith, not by sight.

God has taught me all kinds of lessons through my journey with blindness, and I’m excited to share them with you.

See My Resources for the Blind


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