Can I Cultivate Inner Peace? [Episode 62]

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A few summers ago, I woke up a little later than usual.

The kids were still asleep, and Phil was already up, so I decided to stay in bed and turn on Good Morning America. I was just in time to hear an interview with Angelina Jolie.

She was introduced as one of “the most beautiful women in the world.” The interviewer went on to share how she was starring in a new movie where she played a spy—and even did all of her own stunts. Not only that, but she was an amazing mother, athletic, smart, articulate, and also had a great figure.

Peace from God comes from peace with God. [Click to Tweet]


When the interview was over, I dragged my very unathletic self out of bed to perform the only stunt I was capable of—walking to the kitchen to pour my coffee. As I arrived with bedhead in my faded PJ’s, Phil greeted me with a cup of coffee.

“Thanks, Honey,” I said. Then I asked, “Did you see that piece on Good Morning America about Angelina?”

He told me he did.

“I bet you like her more than me!” I responded. He giggled as I recounted all of her better-than-me attributes.

God will be in your tomorrow when you get there. But He is present in the present with you now. [Click to Tweet]

“You’re not having a good day, huh?” he consoled.

I moaned, “Not anymore. That’s for sure!”

It only took one television interview to rob me of my peace that morning. Maybe you can relate.

Sometimes we think that peace is unattainable or that it’s a circumstance. But practical, daily peace is as close as your next choice! On this episode of the 4:13 Podcast, KC and I help you discover two daily choices you can make that will help you cultivate inner peace no matter what is going on around you.

2 Practical Ways to Cultivate Inner Peace

  1. Be present where you are. Today is the only day you can attend to. You are here right now, in the present. You can’t get to tomorrow until today is done. That’s why you must choose to be present where you are. Fully attend to today—its joys, its struggles, and its challenges.If you focus on what may happen tomorrow, you will have no peace. But, if you fully live in the present, you will have peace. Why is that? Because God is present in the present. He is a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1), and in stress or craziness.

    One practical way you can be present where you are is to write down what is on your horizon or your mind. If it is on your mind, put it on paper so you can come back to the present instead of hanging out in a future that may or may not be real. You can even jot down your tomorrow worries and put them in an envelope and label it with tomorrow’s date. Then, when tomorrow comes, you open it and present all of it to God once again.

    God will be in your tomorrow when you get there. But He is present in the present with you now.

  2. Be content with who you are. You may have pushed pause on your life. Maybe you’re waiting to lose the weight, get a house, change jobs, or find a husband. Many of us wish and wait and think that when that magic something shows up, we will be content. But, friend, when you fight against your own soul by scolding or scorning yourself or seeking that super something that is out of reach, you live with a tension that you create.

    Wishing you were different, whining about your life, or comparing yourself to another person are ways to ensure you will have no peace. Sure, I wish I hadn’t gained ten pounds. And, of course, I would rather not be blind. But that’s me. And, if I can’t—or won’t—change it, I need to get content with it! The same is true for you. Embracing who you are will allow you to settle into the person you were made to be.

    Now, I’m not talking about overlooking sin or any other thing about yourself that is harmful to yourself or others. I’m just referring to getting content with the you God created—the flawed, imperfect, perfectly lovable you! To really have peace, you choose to be content with who God made you to be.

So, if you’re ready to trade in a little of your stress and crazy for peace, stop right now, take a deep breath. Smile and get present where you are. Thank God that He is present in your present and make some choices to be content with who you are. Stop comparing yourself and just be you … and be okay with being you!

Never forget, whatever you face, however you feel, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength!

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