My ‘Happy, Happy, Happy’ Playlist

I’m a firm believer that music can have powerful impact on your outlook. It can set the tone for your entire day.

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So I have a playlist  on my smartphone titled, “Happy, Happy, Happy.” And I will say, my title came long before Duck Dynasty made it popular. I started this playlist when I was in the midst of a deep depression. But, with God’s power and the gift of music He gave us, I was determined to do all I could to climb out of my pit.

So here is my playlist and a reason I like each song:

It’s a Beautiful Day – Micheal Buble – Love this song’s beat and happy sound, and the statement the chorus makes, “It’s a beautiful day. ”  As for the verses,  sometimes it helps to be reminded to distance yourself from people who don’t bring you joy.

It’s a Good Day – Big Smith – This local Springfield band has a folksy sound and uses lyrics that have goofy rhymes that always make me smile.

Get Back Up  – Toby Mac – I like the beat, the encouraging lyric and the singable chorus.

All the People Said Amen – Matt Mayer – There is a chant-like chorus that reminds me that we are part of a bigger movement of other believers.

Hold Me – Jamie Grace – I love love love love LOVE this song, you cannot help but smile and sing along.

Million Pieces (Kissing Your Cares Goodbye) – Newsboys – Long time favorite, listened to it with my boys in the van when they were toddlers; it’s so visual. When I listen, I can see all my burdens falling away as I start my day.

Happy Day – Tim Hughes – Pretty obvious, Oh, Happy Day.

Where I Belong – Building 429 – I love this because it reminds that I am just passing through here on earth. If I don’t feel like I belong, it’s because this isn’t where I belong. Keeps my eyes on heaven.

Break Open the Sky – Israel Hougton and Toby Mac – Speaking of heaven, this song makes me excited and reminded that THIS could be the day Jesus returns.

Live Out Loud – Steven Curtis Chapman – La la la la live out loud! Love this acoustic arrangement. It reminds me not to be shy; instead, take on the day!

Long Way Home – Steve Curtis Chapman – Who doesn’t smile when they hear a ukulele. I know we are going to make it–it’s just a long way home.

Of course, everyone has their own playlist and musical taste. These are just the ones that make me dance!

Question: What songs make you Happy, Happy, Happy? Help me grow my playlist! Let me know here.

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