Can I Redefine the Second Half of My Life? With Dawn Barton [Episode 279]

Redefine Second Half Life Dawn Barton

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Midlife Battle Cry by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

In a culture where middle age is thought of as a downward slope into sensible shoes and meaningless existence, we can redefine the second half of life. We can shape it into decades of fulfillment, fun, strength, and purpose.

Because, my friend, there’s no “midlife” to God. He has intended for us to live fully at every age and in every season, and it’s time we embrace it!

Welcome to Where You Are


My friend Judy sent me the best email this week. The subject line read “Welcome to the Fifties!” I feel honored to be in the club. I have to share what she wrote, because the great thing is that no matter what your age, her “welcome” will apply to you. It’s a great reminder to be present and enjoy where you are, because where you are is a great place to be.


It makes me wonder how different – and how much better – our lives would be if we saw every year, every day as a place we get to enter? What if we saw each moment as an experience that we welcomed? When you read her email, you might just get a clue of what that outlook looks like.

If Any Woman Be in Spanx

Last Fall, I stood in my closet and pulled some pants off the rack.  Once again it was time to choose the clothes I would wear for speaking.The problem was, some of the pants I hadn’t worn since the last fall.  So, reluctantly I tried on the first pair.

What had happened?  They were a bit snug.  So, I tried on the second pair.

What had happened?  They too were a little snug—actually a lot snug!   Either they shrunk or I increased!

I stepped on my talking scale to hear if my weight had increased. It announced the same weight I was the last Fall I wore these pants? Could my scale be off?