No Half Miracles

This is the fourth of a five part blog series post meant to encourage you to think deeper about Scripture. We are nearing the end of this story now found in Mark 8:22-25. The blind man of Bethsaida now can see. If you just arrived in Bethsaida with us, read the last 3 blogs to catch up. Post 1, Post 2, Post 3.

The blind man could have sung the line from Amazing Grace with conviction and celebration: “T’was blind but now I see!”

His healing wasn’t instant but it was complete. But, between the first touch of Jesus and the final touch, there was the awkward in-between place; not totally blind, but not totally healed.

To Feel the Skin of God

This is the second of a five part blog series post meant to encourage you to think deeper about Scripture. Okay, back to Bethsaida…Remember, Wednesday we encountered the blind man there? If you didn’t read it, click here to read and get caught up on our journey.

Mark 8:23 “Taking the blind man by the hand, He brought him out of the village.”

My eyes well up when I see this picture in my mind’s eye. Jesus took the blind man by the hand.

Jesus could have instructed His disciples to lead the man. Jesus could have nodded at the person who brought the blind man as a signal to continue to lead him out of the crowd. But, Jesus Himself took the blind man by the hand.