Spill the Beans LIVE with Lysa TerKeurst at Fresh Grounded Faith Jackson, MS [Episode 261]

Spill Beans Fresh Grounded Faith Jackson Lysa TerKeurst Michael O'Brien

This Spill the Beans is coming to you LIVE from Fresh Grounded Faith in Jackson, Mississippi with Lysa TerKeurst and Michael O’Brien. We’re sitting around the bistro table answering some really good questions from the audience including…

How do I forgive myself when I’ve really messed up?
How can I help a friend who’s going through a divorce?
How should I respond when someone I love has set up a boundary between us?
How do I know if it’s time to tell my story, especially if it might hurt someone?

Can I Heal From Relational Hurt? With Lysa TerKeurst [Episode 250]

Heal Relational Hurt Lysa TerKeurst

Healing rarely happens overnight! It usually unfolds more gradually, and often, it’s a really rough process—especially if it’s relational healing. The long journey can begin to feel hopeless, and when the pain becomes too much to bear, you start to wonder if you’re even going to make it.

Well, my friend, you are going to make it! And today, best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst candidly shares her own healing journey and gives you practical steps to keep going when you’re worn out and tired of trying.

Can I Trust God With My Singleness? With Bethany Beal [Episode 210]

Trust God Singleness Bethany Beal

In a culture that’s obsessed with love and romance, why are there so many women not enjoying satisfying, long-term relationships?

Today you’ll hear from Girl Defined Ministries co-founder, Bethany Beal, who will unpack God’s original design for romance. She’ll address today’s popular hook-up culture, common dating mistakes, appropriate physical boundaries, and if it’s possible to experience your own happily ever after.

Can I Set Boundaries for My Heart? With Dr. Alison Cook [Episode 170]

Set Boundaries Heart Alison Cook

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Boundaries for Your Soul by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you control your feelings, or do your feelings control you? Lots of us let guilt, anger, or self-criticism be the boss of us, which makes a total mess of things.

You may say to yourself, “I just need to get over it.” or “I’ve got to stop thinking that way.” But the truth is this tactic rarely works, and in fact, it can make things worse.

Three Boundaries That Will Set You Free

Oh girl, I need boundaries!

Just like a child is more secure when she has boundaries, I am learning that I am more free to be me when I have boundaries too.

As I’m learning how to identify with my identity and find myself in God’s view of me, I am learning that boundaries help me.


Boundaries help me stay close to God and my true identity.