I Need Jesus More Than Coffee

My daughter-in-law Caroline and I travel together, and when we’re in the airport, we’ll do about anything to make it to Starbucks during our layovers. As you can imagine, we can be quite the pair with all our luggage and coffee – not to mention the fact that I’m blind!

The other day she mentioned something that stood out to me. She said “I need Jesus more than coffee.” So simple, yet so true. She wrote this post when she was in graduate school last year, and I thought you all would love it.

I need Jesus

Waiting for my coffee to finish brewing made me late to class. I did a clumsy dance all the way there as I attempted to hold all my books along with the piping hot (and dangerous) cup of coffee; the price was darn high to get that cup of coffee into my 8 AM class.  

But, it was worth it. No doubt. I knew that if I didn’t have it, I’d stumble through the day, a cloud would hang low over my day.

Coffee starts my day; I offer it to friends when they come over. I treat myself to coffee when I study or simply when I want a treat.  I need it; I enjoy it. It’s a faithful friend.

But, I need Jesus more than coffee.

I Love My Husband, But…

Happy Valentine’s Day week! It’s that time of the year when we are surrounded by paper hearts and lots of chocolate (and I’m definitely not going to complain about extra chocolate!) But, instead of talking you about how much I love my husband, I wanted to tell you about something that has been on my mind lately. Best rest assured, it still has lots to do with love, love, love. 

My daughter-in-law, Caroline, guest posted an insightful blog a while back. You may remember it; it was called My Husband Doesn’t Fulfill Me. She has been married just over a year and has come to the conclusion that her husband, my son, does not fulfill her. Now, lest you think that is a blight against my dear son, it isn’t! When she says her husband doesn’t fulfill her, she is making the point that a man is not supposed to totally fulfill his wife.

Total fulfillment can only come from God.

Her post got me to thinking. I have been married 27 years and my husband doesn’t fulfill me either. In fact, he never has. And the sad thing is, I used to blame him for it.

My Husband Still Doesn't Fulfill Me

Your Favorites in 2013

As we wrap up this year (and recover from Christmas!), I thought I’d share the 5 most-read posts of the year. As we reflect on this past year, I hope these posts encourage your heart!


Am I Praying to God or Worrying to God?

Hello my friends! Today I’m sharing a special post from Caroline Rothschild, my daughter-in-law. She’s an incredibly wise young woman with tons of charm and insight. She married our oldest son, Clayton, last year. They now live in Houston, TX. She and Clayton met at Baylor University, where she graduated with a Professional Writing degree. She went on to receive a masters degree in Theology from Truett Seminary. She has a great blog with a growing following and I know you will love her as much as I do! Today she’s talking about how she’s learning the value of true intimacy with God through prayer. Can you relate to her story?

I start.

“Dear God …”

It starts so pure. My intentions are genuine. I start so eager to submit to what He has for me.

I pray.

I want to know what He has for me; where He is taking me in the life; what He’s up to with all these bumps I seem to be bouncing along.

I start to think about some of the bumps that seem to be piling up, and all of the sudden, all the bumps have formed into a mountain. The mountain is rocky – insurmountable. I stare at it awhile, dwelling on how ill-equipped I am to climb it. How will I ever make something of all this?

I think I’m praying, but though I start with “Dear God,” I’m not praying.

I’m worrying.