Can I Turn My Setbacks Into Steps Forward? With Dr. Gregory Jantz [Episode 292]

Turn Setbacks Steps Forward Dr. Gregory Jantz

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Why Failure Is Never Final by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Most of us grow up thinking failure is bad. And, let’s face it, it never feels good! Failure—and all the bad feelings that go with it—are real, like unemployment, bankruptcy, and divorce, just to name a few.

Over time though, we might stop thinking we’ve failed at something and instead start believing we are failures.

But the truth is, if we’re willing to venture anything at all, we are going to fail. The question is, how will we view our failures―and what will we do with them?

Can I Shake the Shame That’s Constantly Piled On? With Jasmine Holmes [Episode 266]

Shake Shame Jasmine Holmes

According to the Scientific American, women are twice as likely as men to experience shame and are more affected by its toxic impact. Just as Adam and Eve hid in the garden and covered themselves with fig leaves, we too are inclined to hide under the cloak of shame.

But unlike Adam and Eve, our feelings of shame don’t necessarily mean we’ve done something wrong. Often it means we’ve begun to believe lies about our identity.

So today’s guest, author and podcaster Jasmine Holmes, will expose shame’s slimy roots and help you understand the difference between shame, guilt, and conviction.

Can I Uncomplicate My Relationship With Food? With Erin Davis [Episode 234]

Uncomplicate Relationship Food Erin Davis

Does your relationship with food make you feel guilty and frustrated? Or does food feel like a God-given blessing to you? Or perhaps you bounce back and forth between both of those feelings.

Whether it’s a warm croissant, a bright bowl of fruit, a piece of cake, or a steaming cup of coffee, it’s hard to know if we should love it or hate it. Am I right?

Can I Lay Down Shame and Pick Up Grace Instead? [Episode 34]

Can I Lay Down Shame and Pick Up Grace Instead? [Episode 34] jpg

When I was in the third grade, we had a dog named Cannoli. She was a white, completely fluffy poodle … that is, until one day when she got a haircut.

My mom decided that Cannoli needed to look a little more legit. So, she took her to a groomer. Well, of course, any groomer was going to cut her hair like a poodle—you know, with the puffy little bottom and the puffy tail with the little ball on the end.

Shame Off You

Our body language tells our secrets even when we think we’ve got them all under wraps! For example, body language experts say that when women feel shame, they may become small in posture by slouching or turning away. They may avert their eyes, kind of like a baby covering her own eyes and imagining she’s hiding. The experts describe the body language of shame as an attempt to be invisible or an effort to hide.

Autumn concept, anonymous woman enjoying takeaway coffee cup on sunny cols fall day

Wishing she was invisible?  Longing to hide? That has to be exactly how the woman who had been caught in adultery felt when she stood before Jesus.

You Are Not the Only One

I sat on the front row in the church and listened to another speaker — my friend – and thought, Why can’t I get it together like she has it together? My best effort is like pond scum compared to her worst effort!


I had just presented a message before she did and I would present another message when she was finished. And, I didn’t want to stand on that stage and speak again; I wanted to shrink into the seat cushion because I felt totally incompetent and unnecessary at that moment. And then I felt shame for feeling that way at that moment!

But, here’s the thing. It wasn’t just at that moment I felt that way.  That moment describes lots of moments for me!