Eavesdropping. #Guilty

Okay, I don’t mean to do it. Really. I just can’t help it.

It’s not because I am nosey that I eavesdrop … it’s because I’m blind! I can’t help that I hear really, really well.


Seriously, don’t whisper around me. My ears will hone in on whatever you are hoping I won’t hear. If you’re in a coffee shop at the table next to me, you better keep your voice down or you just may turn up in one of my blogs … just like this guy did.

My ‘Happy, Happy, Happy’ Playlist

I’m a firm believer that music can have powerful impact on your outlook. It can set the tone for your entire day.

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So I have a playlist  on my smartphone titled, “Happy, Happy, Happy.” And I will say, my title came long before Duck Dynasty made it popular. I started this playlist when I was in the midst of a deep depression. But, with God’s power and the gift of music He gave us, I was determined to do all I could to climb out of my pit.