Can I Trust God Is Working Even When I Can’t See It? With Winston Bui [Episode 308]

Trust God Working Winston Bui

Through the killing fields of Vietnam, Winston Bui’s family traveled on foot, by truck, and by a rocket-damaged boat at sea, barely escaping the war that was engulfing their country and threatening to take their father as a political prisoner.

Now, decades later, Winston is on the 4:13 to tell his story of God’s rescue and redemption. From a refugee with no country to a redeemed child in God’s family with a forever home, Winston shares how his story is just a snapshot of the bigger story of God’s mercy and grace.

Do You Deserve Hell?


Spill The Beans

Dear Jennifer,

So from the second chapter in Missing Pieces: Are you saying that even after we are God’s redeemed-from-the-curse children, that He still deals with us as if we deserve hell? Are we warranted and to be grateful if we experience anything that is less than hell because it is not hell itself?

Thank you for taking the time to address this because I cannot find an answer, and no other Christians I have asked can show me verses that say we still deserve hell.