How Do You Find God Within Your Sadness?

Spill The Beans


I had the privilege of seeing you in Springfield last November and have started receiving your monthly e-mails.  My son was diagnosed in 2007 with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.   The Lord has most certainly used this circumstance to draw me much closer to Him.  However, I continue to struggle with how to adequately cope with the sadness that overcomes me at times.  What advice can you offer for getting past the sadness and moving more to a place of hope and rest?

Respectfully, Debra

Jennifer’s Answer:

How Do I Find God?

Spill The Beans

Dear Jennifer,

In the past six months I have had more medical problems besides retinits pigmentosa, and the most important man in my life, my father, passed away.   Then my childhood girlfriend (since three years old) was murdered by her husband, and two more deaths in  the family.  Now my cousin that I am close too has M.S.   Fear has set inside me…and I haven’t felt so separated from the Lord.  Where can I find Him???


Jennifer’s Answer: