Can I Let God Fight My Battles? [Episode 42]

Can I Let God Fight My Battles? [Episode 42] jpg

Free download alert! Get your “3 Scriptures to Help You Stand Still When You Want to Fight Back” printable in the links below.

My hand was on the bathroom stall door handle, ready to open it, when I heard familiar voices.

I stopped and stood perfectly still.

Can I Live With Less Regret? [Episode 12]

Can I Live With Less Regret? [Episode 12] jpg

During my senior year in college, I sat in a conference room with five psychology professors. I was there to receive a special thank you for providing music at a conference the department had just hosted.

As I held a half-dozen roses, I remember wanting to shrink into my seat while the professors complimented my piano playing, along with my abilities as a psychology student. I felt so self-conscious. The longer they spoke, the lower I wanted to sink. The nicer they were, the more I wanted to disappear.

Can I Get Through Disappointment With Hope? [Episode 6]

Can I Get Through Disappointment With Hope? [Episode 6] jpg

When my son, Connor, was little, he had a new balloon which he insisted on taking outside.

“Connor,” I told him, “if we take the balloon out in the backyard it will probably pop.”

But he would not relent, so out we went.

He swept the brightly colored balloon up into the air, and it slowly glided downward. He caught it and repeated the motion several times.

Can I Hold On When I Want to Let Go? [Episode 5]

I used to have a guide dog named William. And, one Sunday morning, after I’d had William for several months, we sat attentively in my Bible study group.

Well, at least … I sat attentively … kind of.

It was awfully hard because William’s attention was riveted by a grasshopper that had made its way into our room via an open door.

William was determined to catch that critter—even if he had to knock over a stack of Bibles and three Baptists in the process! He slapped his paws forward and jerked his head in pursuit.