Can I Defy the Odds When Life Is Stacked Against Me? With Benny Tate [Episode 203]

Defy Odds Life Stacked Against Benny Tate

Benny Tate never faced a time that wasn’t filled with obstacles. The odds were completely stacked against him through poverty, abuse, aimlessness, illness, and disappointment upon disappointment. Yet in every crisis, God was there to redeem his pain into purpose, transforming Benny’s life into a living testament to His power.

Through his struggles, Benny’s faith grew as he saw how God provided him with the strength, wisdom, and resources he needed to overcome each staggering challenge.

What Your Response Should Be to Hardship

Don’t you just sometimes get tired of dealing with hard stuff?!

You know … strained relationships, difficult bosses, constant conflict, illness, financial stress … hard stuff!

What Your Response to Hardship Should Be jpg

Our hands can droop and our knees can wobble. We can look over our shoulder and think about turning back.

Ending the Struggle to Juggle

Oh girl, we all have felt it, right? The struggle to do it all, get it all done, and not be totally undone in the process! Working moms, empty nesters, single women, and stay-at-home moms all deal with the struggle to juggle! And that struggle can leave us worn out and frustrated.

How Do You Find God Within Your Sadness?

Spill The Beans


I had the privilege of seeing you in Springfield last November and have started receiving your monthly e-mails.  My son was diagnosed in 2007 with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.   The Lord has most certainly used this circumstance to draw me much closer to Him.  However, I continue to struggle with how to adequately cope with the sadness that overcomes me at times.  What advice can you offer for getting past the sadness and moving more to a place of hope and rest?

Respectfully, Debra

Jennifer’s Answer: