A Guide to Numbering Your Days (from the Girl Who Can’t Do Math)

I admit it — the only way I got through high school math was because of Todd Williams! Almost every morning before class I was in a state of panic until I found him in the hall and begged him for help with my homework. I gave him gum and candy and a thousand thanks and he tried his best to help me survive algebra. I squeaked by with a C and I give Todd the credit for lifting me to the level of my glowing mediocrity.

It’s not any better today. If I have to count, I still use my fingers and break out into a sweat if one of my kids asks me a math question from their homework.

Here’s what is totally weird — I can do retail math. Give me a clearance rack in Macy’s and I morph into a mathematical genius — I can tell you exactly how much that cute blouse costs if it is 20% off the lowest price with an additional 15% off, subtracting the $17 from my gift card in less than five seconds! It’s freaky. I am like a living, breathing retail calculator!

But, there is a math I am learning now while I am in the glorious middle of my life — a math I am trying to get really good at by doing it every day. I’m learning to number my days.

Do you number your days?

3 Surefire Ways to Gain Wisdom

One of the things that drives me crazy about getting older is I know there is a lot that I don’t know. Unfortunately, I don’t know what I don’t know! Can you relate? But one of the things that makes me really really happy about getting older is realizing that knowledge is not nearly as important as wisdom. And sisters, wisdom has nothing to do with what we know or don’t know, and everything to do with Who we do know!

God is not greedy with His wisdom. If you need it, He’ll give it. Here are three surefire ways to make wisdom your BFF.

Why You Need a Hero for Your Heart

As a kid, the last thing you want to hear is, “You’re a copy cat!”

Female hands holding cups of coffee on rustic wooden table background

We all want to think we are one of a kind, an original! I have often wondered where in the world that phrase even came from anyway. I mean, have you ever known a cat who copied?! Have you even known of a finicky feline who cared enough about another human or animal to even notice them, much less, imitate them?! Cats are the most independent, “don’t tell me what to do,” “I don’t need you,” “leave me alone please,” creatures I know!

2 Ways to Become a Woman of Discernment

Awhile back, I attended a meeting of small business owners with my husband Phil. There were four businesses represented; a frozen custard shop, a health food store, an accounting firm, and our ministry!


In order for the trainer to make a point about the perils and power of influence, she wrote several words on a white board.  The words were a list of colors: red, black, blue, green…you get the idea. But, the tricky part was that she wrote all those words over and over in random order and each word which named a color was written with a marking pen of a different color! So, the word “pink” was written with blue ink; the word “yellow” was written in read ink! Stressed out yet? I know!

3 Scriptures to Pray When You Just Don’t Know What to Do

Life offers us lots of questions and very few answers. It sets before us many paths, but very few reliable directions about which path is the best for us.


We are bombarded with decisions — should I take this job? Should I quit this job?! We have endless choices — is this the college for me? Is this the guy for me? Is this the church where God wants me to be?