Can I Chill Out About What I Eat? With Leslie Schilling [Episode 287]

Chill Food Eat Leslie Schilling

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Feed Yourself by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Diet culture is everywhere! It lurks in schools, medical offices, and even in our churches. We’re even sold well-meaning messages wrapped in Bible verses that are actually rooted in diet culture.

It’s only when diet culture is exposed that you can separate the truth from the lies.

Can I Practice the Presence of Jesus? With Joni Eareckson Tada [BONUS]

Practice Presence Jesus Joni Eareckson Tada

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book The Practice of the Presence of Jesus by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

“Suffering has a way of heaving you beyond the shallows of life where your faith feels ankle-deep. It casts you out into the fathomless depths of God.”

These profound words were written by an incredible woman and one of my heroes of the faith, Joni Eareckson Tada, who I’m super pumped to have on the podcast today. If anybody knows about the “I Can” life of Philippians 4:13 … it’s Joni.

Can I Break Up with What Broke Me? With Christian Bevere [Episode 286]

Breakup Broken Christian Bevere

It’s time to stop letting your past define your future. Easier said than done, right?! Especially when your past includes bad decisions that haunt you.

Perhaps it was a damaging relationship, a sinful choice, or a harmful habit. Whatever it may be, the resulting shame feeds the lie that because we missed the mark, there’s no way forward.

But that’s not true, sister! Your past does not determine who you’re becoming because God can redeem what was once broken.

Can I Meet Healthy Needs in Healthy Ways? With Tommy Brown [Episode 285]

Meet Healthy Needs Healthy Ways Tommy Brown

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book The Ache for Meaning by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Deep within each of us is a longing for acceptance, significance, and provision. Essentially, we’re all asking the same fundamental questions, “Will I have enough? Am I enough? And do I matter?”

Well, here’s something really cool…

The answers to all three questions can be found in the temptations of Christ. And today on the 4:13, Pastor Tommy Brown will pull back the curtain on Christ’s temptations to reveal how they represent your greatest needs.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Tammy Trent and Shaun Groves at Fresh Grounded Faith Greenville, SC [Episode 284]

Spill Beans Live Greenville Tammy Trent Shaun Groves

We are coming to you LIVE from a Fresh Grounded Faith event in Greenville, South Carolina, where I’m spilling the beans with two of my good friends, Shaun Groves and Tammy Trent.

We’re talking about knowing your calling, giving grace when someone you love disappoints you, and dealing with depression. Plus, Tammy speaks a good word of encouragement to the ladies who are single or single again.

Oh, and you’ll want to hear about how I climbed the Great Wall of China in the dead of winter on ice, as well as the story of my worst makeup mix-up EVER!

Can I Calm My Restless Soul? With Wendy Blight [Episode 283]

Calm Restless Soul Wendy Blight

Have you ever been in a constant state of unsettledness? It’s like your soul has been taken hostage by your emotions or circumstances, and you just can’t break free!

Whether it shows up as anxiety, fear, panic attacks, or a mind that never stops racing, it can seem hopeless, can’t it?

Well today on the 4:13, author Wendy Blight shares how you can replace your restlessness with rest!