Help! I Married My Opposite

Welcome to my birthday bash! If you’re just joining us, be sure to catch up on the party HERE and at the end of the post, enter to win the Ultimate C.S. Lewis Swag Bag! Peek into the Swag Bag HERE.

Today is the final day of my nerdy birthday bash! It’s hard to see it go, but today I have a special guest on my blog. You will love him – I sure do! He doesn’t write on my blog often, but his name is mentioned very often. Without further ado, please welcome my husband – Dr. Phil! Take it away Phil!


What You Need to Know About Men

Me and my Dr. Phil, with Caroline and her Clayton. One of the happiest days of my life!

Me and my Dr. Phil, with Caroline and her Clayton. One of the happiest days of my life!

If there is one phrase I have heard from my Dr. Phil over and over in the last 27 years, it’s this: “I’m a simple man.”

It took me two decades to finally get it. Over the years, I assumed he was more complicated than he actually was. I assumed he meant something he didn’t, either with his silence or his words. Basically, I just didn’t really get it. I didn’t understand how simple men can be.

Girls, men are just wired a little differently than we are.