Your Favorite Blog Posts from 2015

Can I just tell you how much I appreciate you hanging out with me on my blog and having “Java with Jennifer” this past year?! You dear readers are the best!


And, you let me know by your comments and shares which blogs filled your cup, or lit your fire, or… well… put simply, which blogs were your favorites!

My Favorite 100 Calorie Snacks

Put down your Oreo. I have some important news.

Biscotti, crackers and chocolate-covered pretzels = heaven.

Biscotti, crackers and chocolate-covered pretzels = heaven.

Dr. Michael Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, says that every 10 years after the age of 35, women lose about five percent of their muscle mass. This matters a lot–not because you and I want to look like buff beauties, but because muscle burns more calories than fat does. If we have less muscle mass, we will consequently have a greater tendency to gain weight.

Bad news, I know.

My ‘Happy, Happy, Happy’ Playlist

I’m a firm believer that music can have powerful impact on your outlook. It can set the tone for your entire day.

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So I have a playlist  on my smartphone titled, “Happy, Happy, Happy.” And I will say, my title came long before Duck Dynasty made it popular. I started this playlist when I was in the midst of a deep depression. But, with God’s power and the gift of music He gave us, I was determined to do all I could to climb out of my pit.