Can I Unlock Gratefulness in My Life? With Michele Howe [Episode 273]

Unlock Gratefulness Michele Howe

When our eyes are grateful, we can see grace and goodness all around us. But often, we live as if life isn’t good enough, we don’t have enough, and we just plain aren’t enough.

Well, my friend, this is where we get it all wrong—our focus is off.

According to author Michele Howe, the more we focus on ourselves, the less we develop an attitude of appreciation for what we do have. And when we dwell on the things we wish we had or immerse ourselves in the negative, our troubled feelings and actions will follow.

When You Aren’t Thankful But Want to Be

I overheard the ladies at the table near me in my favorite tea room. They were deep in conversation. The shop was small and they were loud, so I could hear every negative and complaining word — even without trying! One was obsessed with how her husband didn’t measure up to her standards; the other was consumed with bitterness over a boss who she didn’t think valued her as she thought she deserved.

It struck me that they were both miserable — not because of what they lacked, but because of what they had. One was married; she had a husband, security and companionship. The other was employed; she had a job which provided her security and income. Yet, both were miserable and discontent with the portion they had.

I’ve been there too. That’s probably why their conversation struck such a familiar tone with in me!  I often complain about what I have, overlooking the blessing it really is.

One Surefire Way to Become a Happier Woman

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Thanks for nothing!?” Of course you have. It’s usually said in a less than thankful tone of voice, right? You know what a person is really saying when they thank someone for “nothing.” Well, it’s usually a sarcastic way to acknowledge their dissatisfaction with another’s poor or insulting behavior.


In other words, it’s what someone says when they’re ticked off! It has nothing to do with actual gratefulness; it’s actually the opposite! It’s just a snarky insult and it’s not very nice!

My Extraordinarily Ordinary Thanksgiving List

It’s Thanksgiving! This wonderful holiday begs us to recognize life’s blessings – both big and small.

There are some extraordinarily ordinary things I am thankful for, so I thought I would share part of my list with you. I hope you will share part of your extraordinarily ordinary grateful list with me too!