Can I Lay Down Shame and Pick Up Grace Instead? [Episode 34]

Can I Lay Down Shame and Pick Up Grace Instead? [Episode 34] jpg

When I was in the third grade, we had a dog named Cannoli. She was a white, completely fluffy poodle … that is, until one day when she got a haircut.

My mom decided that Cannoli needed to look a little more legit. So, she took her to a groomer. Well, of course, any groomer was going to cut her hair like a poodle—you know, with the puffy little bottom and the puffy tail with the little ball on the end.

Can I Hear God When I Don’t Know What to Do? [Episode 28]

Can I Hear God When I Don’t Know What to Do? [Episode 28] jpg

Free download alert! Get your 3 Prayers to S.E.T. You on the Right Path printable in the links below.

Have you ever been faced with a decision and had absolutely no idea what to do, what to choose, or how to make the best choice?

Oh, friend, I have!

Sometimes life offers us lots of questions and very few answers. We find many paths before us, but very few reliable directions about which path is the best for us. It’s not easy, is it?

One Powerful Way to Write Scripture on Your Heart

If you’ve ever heard me teach the Bible, you know that I don’t use a Bible when I do!

Odd, I know.

The reason is that I can’t see the Bible. (If you’re a new reader, this might be a good time to tell you I’m blind.) Instead, I try to memorize the passages I am teaching.

For that reason, I am often asked how I memorize Scripture. So, I thought I would share with you one way I do it.