How to Accept a Gift You Never Wanted

I vividly remember the night before Christmas when I was nine years old.

One of our family traditions was that each child got to open one gift on Christmas Eve.

Each year, my brothers and I spent most of the month deciding which gift that would be. We began our research in early December, and as each gift appeared beneath the tree, we carefully examined it, checking the weight and shape of each box, looking for clues to what was inside. As you can imagine, by Christmas Eve the gift we had chosen to open had become the most coveted one under the tree.


That year my brother, Lawson, and I both chose a gift from Aunt Patti. (Our brother David was a baby and still too young to care.) Aunt Patti was young and hip. She knew what kinds of presents kids liked, and now she joined my parents on the couch to watch the events unfold.

My Declaration Against Chai Tea

I got a lovely tea chest full of interesting and exotic teas. 

I was anxious to sample all of them. After all, all I usually drink is black tea. Boring black tea – the blacker, the better. But this tea trunk had Chai in it. “Hmmm…” I thought, “sophisticated people drink this stuff. Perhaps, I’m uncultured to not drink this stuff.”

When You’ve Had Enough, He is Enough


Welcome to Spill the Beans! In this post, I’m answering a question submitted by a reader, and… spilling my beans! If you’d like to submit a question, you can email me by clicking here.

This question struck me because it was so poignant and honest. And, it helped me too… it reminded me once again that you can accept something God allows and still experience weariness. All I could really give my blind, tired sister was empathy. And, that is what Jesus gives each of us every day. Read her words, you may see your own.

“Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?”
by Jennifer Rothschild, Author of God Is Just Not Fair

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Not Fair Book Stack

Do You Deserve Hell?


Spill The Beans

Dear Jennifer,

So from the second chapter in Missing Pieces: Are you saying that even after we are God’s redeemed-from-the-curse children, that He still deals with us as if we deserve hell? Are we warranted and to be grateful if we experience anything that is less than hell because it is not hell itself?

Thank you for taking the time to address this because I cannot find an answer, and no other Christians I have asked can show me verses that say we still deserve hell.