6 Ways to Overcome Sadness

“We’re overcome with deep sadness to be at this point.”

That was my friend’s response to the hard place she and her husband had found themselves.

Her beloved mother had been in and out of institutions because of mental illness and now, they had to make a hard, soul-tearing decision about her guardianship.

For years, they rallied, they loved, they emptied their savings for the best treatment centers, and they fought, trusted, and never gave up hope. And, now they felt like they were giving up her mom to an uncertain future.

What It Means to Be Well

I stood on the deck overlooking Table Rock Lake as a pontoon boat motored by.

It revved and choked and whirred and roared and the lake started dancing! The waters lapped onto the shore and wave after wave swayed the dock so it rattled and squeaked.

As the water stirred, I listened and wondered how long it would last.

As I did, I thought how much I wished I could run down, sit on the edge of the dock, and feel the whirling waters tickle my ankles.

3 Ways God Responds to Your Tears

Research shows that women cry anywhere between 30 and 64 times a year. That means most of us girls shed tears at least twice a month and some of us cry about every five days!

Happy tears. Sad tears. Angry tears. We cry for all sorts of reasons.

Some of us are “Tricklers.” You know, we have an occasional tear drip from the eye, but it’s usually quick, controlled, and rare.

And, then there are the “Niagaras” among us! Do I even need to explain? A gushing flood of liquid emotion pours from both eyes at a moment’s notice! Then the waterfall lasts much longer than that one moment!

Why Healing Is Just Not Enough for Me

Sometimes it takes a thorn to show us how healing is just not enough.

We all have thorns. And I’m not talking about the kind that show up on roses in your garden! I’m talking about the kind of thorns that show up in our lives. Situations that hurt. Circumstances that are hard. Difficult things in our lives that don’t seem to come or go away on our timetables.

Why Healing Is Just Not Enough for Me jpg

For me, blindness is a never-ending, constantly-challenging, fatigue-inducing thorn. I can’t deny it: It hurts. I’ve often longed—and prayed—for it to go away. It hasn’t yet.

You got thorns. I got thorns. All God’s girls got thorns!

This whole “thorn” concept came from the apostle Paul. Paul asked God to remove what he called his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:8). He evidently struggled with some difficult circumstance that he really wanted changed.

3 Ways God Heals

We’ve all got stuff, you know? We’ve got hurts, questions and disappointments in our lives.

I’ve got stuff. Blindness is a constant, unrelenting, challenging loss — emotionally, spiritually and even physically. I’ve asked God for healing probably a million times… but, so far, healing hasn’t come.

Blonde young girl holding hands in heart shape framing setting sun at sunset on ocean beach

My friend’s got stuff. Her daughter is fighting addiction — some days she’s better, someday she’s worse. My friend has prayed for her daughter a million times too. And, so far, healing hasn’t come.

When You’ve Had Enough, He is Enough


Welcome to Spill the Beans! In this post, I’m answering a question submitted by a reader, and… spilling my beans! If you’d like to submit a question, you can email me by clicking here.

This question struck me because it was so poignant and honest. And, it helped me too… it reminded me once again that you can accept something God allows and still experience weariness. All I could really give my blind, tired sister was empathy. And, that is what Jesus gives each of us every day. Read her words, you may see your own.