Why Excellent Women Are Far From Perfect … And That’s Okay!

I travel and speak to women, as well as work with them during the week. So, I’m surrounded by women all the time. Younger ones, older ones, happy ones … uh, not so happy ones! (That last one would be me every now and then! Ha!)

And, what I have noticed is that I am not only surrounded by women, but I am surrounded by excellence!

Oh, girl, none of us are perfect. We all have our bad days. But in all of these women, I have seen some great qualities that make up an excellent woman.

What Brave Women Say to Themselves

Before I lost my hero dad, I had no idea grief would make me feel fatigued and hollow. There were many days I thought, “I can’t do this” or “I can’t face this.”

And then, I thought about my mom.

What Brave Women Say to Themselves jpg

The strength I see in my mom is beyond what I imagine possible. Dad was her best friend. For 55 years, they did life and ministry together. Now, she is alone.

3 Ways to Become a Balanced Woman

Would you describe yourself as balanced? Okay, stop laughing! Few of us have achieved balance. I stress myself out just thinking about it!?!  I could write a book called Stressed Out: How I Achieved It While Seeking Balance!


I’m just not balanced enough to write a book about balance, but I know Someone who did.

2 Ways to Become a Woman of Discernment

Awhile back, I attended a meeting of small business owners with my husband Phil. There were four businesses represented; a frozen custard shop, a health food store, an accounting firm, and our ministry!


In order for the trainer to make a point about the perils and power of influence, she wrote several words on a white board.  The words were a list of colors: red, black, blue, green…you get the idea. But, the tricky part was that she wrote all those words over and over in random order and each word which named a color was written with a marking pen of a different color! So, the word “pink” was written with blue ink; the word “yellow” was written in read ink! Stressed out yet? I know!

Swallowed Up In Sweetness – FGF Highlights, New Orleans, LA

I’m still finding powdered sugar! Yep, it was in my hair, on my jeans, and on my eyelashes! Those New Orleans folks know how to pour on the sugar — and, I’m talking about those beignets, beignets, and more beignets! If you’ve never had one, oh girl, they are the most delicious fried dough with mounds of powdered sugar dumped on top of them.

PicMonkey Collage-FGF New Orleans

Click here for the complete photo album on my Facebook page. Thank you to Dallas McGlinn for the beautiful photos!